Thursday, December 21, 2017

Pimping Mother Earth

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Pimping Mother Earth"

"Must've Been Something He Was Force Fed"

"MizJudge Moore"

"Anything But THAT!"

"Trump's Crass Stand"

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Must've Been Something He Was Force Fed

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Must've Been Something He Was Force Fed"

"MizJudge Moore"

"Anything But THAT!"

"Trump's Crass Stand"

"Right Righteous Roy"

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Reason 1407 why I hate computers

Reason 1407 why I hate computers

This window popping up tells me nothing. It may as well say, “I don’t feel like performing right now and there’s not a thing you can do about it. But, I want you to agree by hitting the 'OK' and you must hit the button before you can do anything else, including shutting down the bloody computer.” 

Just for kicks, I decided to look up this code. My search netted nothing except for a link to a guy complaining about the same thing, with a link to another site with a list of codes, none of which had this number (-1407). i searched the Apple help menu, the online Apple Macintosh users-reaching-out-to-eachother, computer co-dependency, we’re helpless morons in desperation site and found the following:

A dude poses the question, “I can’t put anything in the trash without getting a window saying, ‘The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code −1407).’”

The Answer (listed as the BEST answer):
“We need a little more information..."

You need a little more information? Really? What in the question could you possibly not understand to answer the question.

He goes on, "Please state exactly what the error says when it comes up..."

Excuse me, but the questioner DID put exactly what the error said when it came up.

He continues in the same paragraph, "As far as I know, Apple doesn’t provide a list of codes..."

Ach!! So, why the hell did you need to know exactly what the error said if you don't know what it means and even Apple doesn't share what it means?

Continuing on in the same paragraph, "You can always Google it to see if anyone else has experienced this error and what it means.”

I really don’t know how it was resolved or if it was resolved at all. At that point, I quit reading, shut the bloody computer down and went outside with a pad and pencil and glass of Glenmoreange 12, rocks.


Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Must've Been Something He Was Force Fed"

"MizJudge Moore"

"Anything But THAT!"

"Trump's Crass Stand"

"Right Righteous Roy"

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Must've Been Something He Was Force Fed

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Must've Been Something He Was Force Fed"

"MizJudge Moore"

"Anything But THAT!"

"Trump's Crass Stand"

"Right Righteous Roy"

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

MizJudge Moore

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"MizJudge Moore"

"Anything But THAT!"

"Trump's Crass Stand"

"Right Righteous Roy"

"A Prairie Home Inquisition"

Monday, December 11, 2017

Anything But THAT

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Anything But THAT!"

"Trump's Crass Stand"

"Right Righteous Roy"

"A Prairie Home Inquisition"

"The Burqas of Capitol Hill"

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Trump's Crass Stand

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Trump's Crass Stand"

"Right Righteous Roy"

"A Prairie Home Inquisition"

"The Burqas of Capitol Hill"

"Al Franken's Attic"

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Right Righteous Roy

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Right Righteous Roy"

I usually don’t get into written explanations of my cartoons, but feel compelled to do so here. Some readers are taking a literal interpretation of the above rendering. That’s fine of course. But, I do want to offer the following thoughts on my motivation for producing this particular cartoon.

Honestly, the intent of my cartoon had less to do with Judge Moore’s sexual past and more to do with his present conduct. It’s his record of, unabashedly molesting the Constitution;  of his bullying same-sex parents and using religion as an excuse to bash gays; of his extreme views on Muslims, his lies about Shari’a law infiltrating American courts, his rant that Muslims should not serve in Congress as Islam conflicts with the Constitution and suggested 9/11 was God’s punishment for Americans’ straying from religion; his extreme views on gun control believing more guns and fewer restrictions will keep us safe; his opposition to reproduction rights of women; his support for anti-environmental initiatives including opening up lands to be raped by an orgy of industrialists gone wild. 

The Ten Commandments issue is further evidence of his fanaticism. Being a person of faith myself, I am appalled to see revered religious symbols used as battering rams. To me, that is a mockery of Christian values. 

I am a political cartoonist, seasoned over 35 years and from the old school of single-panel, cross-hatching renderers using symbols, hyperbole and metaphor with a high dose of satire compressed into a succinct political statement — a biased, one-sided, unfair, distorted, myopic statement — not a news report. So, rather than a literal interpretation of the scene, allow me to share my intent. I meant for the attractive girl to represent American laws, values, pristine lands, resources, communities, opportunities, diversity, potential — our ideals. Enticing as she may be, provocatively dressed as she may appear it's not an invitation for abuse. The other figures in the image objectify her. She’s a thing to conquer, to dominate and pollute for their own gain, using mock righteousness and Orwellian slogans of anamorphic patriotism to justify their exploits. That is the obscenity. That is the perversion I was aiming to express here... in my biased, one-sided, unfair, myopically liberal view.

I’ll leave to ya’ll to apply your own symbolism to the gun and tie.

"A Prairie Home Inquisition"

"The Burqas of Capitol Hill"

"Al Franken's Attic"

"Assholier Than Thou"

Thursday, November 30, 2017

A Prairie Home Inquisition

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"A Prairie Home Inquisition"

"The Burqas of Capitol Hill"

"Al Franken's Attic"

"Assholier Than Thou"

"No Time For Trump"

Monday, November 27, 2017

The Burqas of Capitol Hill

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"The Burqas of Capitol Hill"

"Al Franken's Attic"

"Assholier Than Thou"

"No Time For Trump"

"In For a Pence, In For a Pound"