Monday, December 19, 2016

Unpopular Vote

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Unpopular Vote"


We should've realized something was amiss when we were given these stickers after we voted.

"Say Aaaaaaaah," or, "You May Feel a Little Prick"

"Fie-Foe-Fum Fee" (local issue cartoon)

Alexandria City Council, reluctant to levy yet another tax, added a storm water runoff "fee" to resident homeowners' property tax bill.

"We Blather Together"

Saturday, December 10, 2016


Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)


We should've realized something was amiss when we were given these stickers after we voted.

"Say Aaaaaaaah," or, "You May Feel a Little Prick"

"Fie-Foe-Fum Fee" (local issue cartoon)

Alexandria City Council, reluctant to levy yet another tax, added a storm water runoff "fee" to resident homeowners' property tax bill.

"We Blather Together"

"The Walls of Montezuma"

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Say Aaaaaaaah

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Say Aaaaaaaah," or, "You May Feel a Little Prick"

"Fie-Foe-Fum Fee" (local issue cartoon)

Alexandria City Council, reluctant to levy yet another tax, added a storm water runoff "fee" to resident homeowners' property tax bill.

"We Blather Together"

"The Walls of Montezuma"

"Springtime for Donald"