Monday, November 28, 2016

Fie-Foe-Fum Fee

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Fie-Foe-Fum Fee" (local issue cartoon)

Alexandria City Council, reluctant to levy yet another tax, added a storm water runoff "fee" to resident homeowners' property tax bill.

"We Blather Together"

"The Walls of Montezuma"

"Springtime for Donald"

"Hi Ceiling, or Watch That First Historic Step"

Cartoonists Discuss Lampooning Clinton and Trump

[Washington Post, 10-08-16] I am happy to be included among the "Hillary vs. trump Cartoon Debate" in Washington DC last week. Washington Post columnist Michael Cavna asks participants which candidate they'd "prefer to ridicule for the next four years?"

Click Comic Riffs to see the article in a new window.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

We Blather Together

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"We Blather Together"

"The Walls of Montezuma"

"Springtime for Donald"

"Hi Ceiling, or Watch That First Historic Step"

Cartoonists Discuss Lampooning Clinton and Trump

[Washington Post, 10-08-16] I am happy to be included among the "Hillary vs. trump Cartoon Debate" in Washington DC last week. Washington Post columnist Michael Cavna asks participants which candidate they'd "prefer to ridicule for the next four years?"

Click Comic Riffs to see the article in a new window.

More recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Trump O'Lomania"

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Walls of Montezuma

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"The Walls of Montezuma"

"Springtime for Donald"

"Hi Ceiling, or Watch That First Historic Step"

Cartoonists Discuss Lampooning Clinton and Trump

[Washington Post, 10-08-16] I am happy to be included among the "Hillary vs. trump Cartoon Debate" in Washington DC last week. Washington Post columnist Michael Cavna asks participants which candidate they'd "prefer to ridicule for the next four years?"

Click Comic Riffs to see the article in a new window.

More recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Trump O'Lomania"

"Toad Rage"

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Donald Spring

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Springtime for Donald"

"Hi Ceiling, or Watch That First Historic Step"

Cartoonists Discuss Lampooning Clinton and Trump

[Washington Post, 10-08-16] I am happy to be included among the "Hillary vs. trump Cartoon Debate" in Washington DC last week. Washington Post columnist Michael Cavna asks participants which candidate they'd "prefer to ridicule for the next four years?"

Click Comic Riffs to see the article in a new window.

More recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Trump O'Lomania"

"Toad Rage"

"Ghosts of a Chance"

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Hi Ceiling, or Watch That First Historic Step

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Hi Ceiling, or Watch That First Historic Step"

Cartoonists Discuss Lampooning Clinton and Trump

[Washington Post, 10-08-16] I am happy to be included among the "Hillary vs. trump Cartoon Debate" in Washington DC last week. Washington Post columnist Michael Cavna asks participants which candidate they'd "prefer to ridicule for the next four years?"

Click Comic Riffs to see the article in a new window.

More recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Trump O'Lomania"

"Toad Rage"

"Ghosts of a Chance"

"Trump O Lantern

or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the Trumpkin"

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Cartoonists Discuss Lampooning Clinton and Trump

I am happy to be included among the "Hillary vs. trump Cartoon Debate" in Washington DC last week. Washington Post columnist Michael Cavna asks participants which candidate they'd "prefer to ridicule for the next four years?"

Click Comic Riffs to see the article in a new window.

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Trump O'Lomania"

"Toad Rage"

"Ghosts of a Chance"

"Trump O Lantern

or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the Trumpkin"

"With Lying Colors"

Monday, November 7, 2016

Trump O'Lomania

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Trump O'Lomania"

"Toad Rage"

"Ghosts of a Chance"

"Trump O Lantern

or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the Trumpkin"

"With Lying Colors"

Friday, November 4, 2016

Toad Rage

Recent Cartoons (click on Images for larger view)

"Toad Rage"

"Ghosts of a Chance"

"Trump O Lantern

or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the Trumpkin"

"With Lying Colors"

"Bubba Trump Company"